Now more than ever, I think we are all looking for ways to bring down the anxiety level in our kids lives and equip them with the tools to practice mindfulness. Here are some of my favorite, super simple ways to implement these tools into our daily lives.

(Heads up: Sometimes my posts contain affiliate links. If you buy something through an affiliate link, it won't cost you anything more but I will earn a small commission, which is the only income I get for my time spent on the posts. I only give honest reviews and never link anything I wouldn't use and trust myself. Thanks!)
1) Breath Like a Bear Book. This book is full of fun, cute ways to practice breathing and other mindful activities. We read one or two of them before bed, or on an as needed basis. Seriously, such a cute book.

2) Easy, 2 minute (issshhh) body scan. This is one I use with my 3 year old, Flynn, on an almost daily basis before nap time. Some days he has more patience for it than others (and somedays, in true toddler fashion announces "I don't wanna do that!") so I alter the length, depending on his mood. This is such an awesome tool to teach them at a young age because, if they are taught how, they will most likely find themselves using this as a way to settle their brain down for the rest of their lives
Instructions: Say out loud to your child "Let's think about how our toes feel, can you wiggle your toes? Let's think about how our knees feel. Now let's think about how our tummies feel, mine feels nice and full" and continue this on up through the body until you reach the top of the head and then finish by saying something like "Now let's think about how our whooooooole body feels. Mine feels warm and cozy!"
3) Breath, Think, Do with Sesame App. This app is so, so cute for toddlers and turns mindfulness and presence into a fun game. Available on the app store but here is a video showing you how the app works
4)Headspace for kids App. While Breath with Sesame is an app geared toward little kids, Headspace for Kids is great for kids and young adults of any age. You can find it on the app store, but here is a video about it.
5)MindUP with Goldie Hawn. Goldie Hawn started a very cool program called MindUP. It can be used by schools but there is also an at home program and my particularly favorite recourse is this mini brain break.
I really hope you find some of these tools useful for your family! We'd love to hear about your ideas for mindfulness in the comments section!